Q&A related to the dashboard
You can request a demo by sending a mail to info@mybingli.com.
You have to verify your email address to ensure the created account is linked to the correct user. It is only possible to change your password and settings with a verified account to prevent others from accessing your patient’s data.
Enter this link in your browser of preference and click enter: https://practitioner.bingli.eu This leads you to the log in page or your dashboard if you are already logged in. Click the star icon at the end of the address bar. Now, you can name the bookmark and move it to a folder or have it at the top of your browser in the toolbar.
Follow the link you normally use to open the dashboard: https://practitioner.bingli.eu
Click the Forget your password? option, enter your email address and follow the instructions to reset your password.
Click the figure icon in the upper right corner of the dashboard to access the settings menu. Choose your preferred language from the fly out menu.
Click the figure icon in the upper right hand corner of the dashboard and select the Settings option from the drop down menu to bring up your account settings.
Click on the green Edit text. You can now change your personal information, reset your password and toggle the use of medical terminology on or off.
Note: With the medical terminology turned off, you see the terminology used for patients (e.g. ‘dyspnea’ is replaced with ‘shortness of breath’)
Click save to update your settings.
Click the figure icon in the upper right hand corner of the dashboard and select the Settings option from the drop down menu to bring up your account settings.
Click on the green Edit text. You can now change your personal information, reset your password and toggle the use of medical terminology on or off.
Note: With the medical terminology turned off, you see the terminology used for patients (e.g. ‘dyspnea’ is replaced with ‘shortness of breath’)
Click save to update your settings.
There are no age restrictions for Bingli, so anyone can fill in the questionnaire. If a caretaker fills in the questionnaire for the patient (e.g. parents filling in for their children), it is important they use the patient’s details for proper identification.
It is possible to further customize Bingli to your needs. Email your Bingli contact or info@mybingli.com to discuss any necessary changes.