Life science industry
Bingli can build value-creating partnerships with proven ROI. We can help make complementary health solutions smarter, and better connected to the clinical practice. We create customized screening modules (to help detect/highlight specific or rare diseases or conditions), that can guide patients to relevant care pathways or drive referrals.

Some examples of our
Pharma collaborations
Pneumoccocal vaccination
Pneumococcal infections caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae are common in young children, but when infected, older adults in particular are at high risk of serious illness and death. In collaboration with Pfizer Bingli has developed a digital solution to determine which patients are eligible for adult pneumococcal vaccination.
Atrial fibrillation screening
Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common heart rhythm disorders, and
the leading cause of heart attacks. From the age of 40 years, people have
a 1 in 4 chance of ever developing atrialfibrillation. Together with Pfizer, Bingli developed a questionnaire to find out the risk of AF for patients over 35 years old.
Rare diseases
Fabry disease is a rare genetic disorder that can present in families for years before being accurately diagnosed. Fabry disease is progressive, so early diagnosis is important. In collaboration with Takeda, Bingli is developing a diagnostic screening tool that can help physicians to identify patients with Fabry earlier, so that they can get the treatment they need.